Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Philadelphia Inquirer | 12/26/2006 | Loving the underdogs - up to a point

Philadelphia Inquirer | 12/26/2006 | Loving the underdogs - up to a point: "Yo, Rock.

We ate up the story of a nobody from Philly, pounding sides of beef in a meat locker. And now we're paying to see the retired champ pull himself together for one more fight.

So, yeah, we love the whole underdog thing.

But not as much as you might think.

New psychology research suggests that while people like to root for the little guy, they'll drop him like a two-day-old soft pretzel if they have a stake in the outcome. And if the guy is perceived as not giving 100 percent, or if, God forbid, he should start to lose, then we'll turn against him in a hurry.

Sound like sports fans in a certain East Coast city you know?"

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